Ketamine for resistant depression: Outstanding promise, outstanding issues.

Outstanding Promise.

Ketamine has been around for many years, firstly as a dissociative anaesthetic and then as a psychedelic drug. But it might become best known for it's powerful antidepressant properties (Berman et al 2000; Zarate et al 2006). Compared to existing antidepressants, which take around 2 weeks to work, ketamine exerts a large antidepressant effect on the first day of treatment.

depression ketamine murrough

Figure 1: The antidepressant effect of ketamine over 6 treatment sessions. The improvement on day 1 (measured using the MADRAS scale) was predictive of the response achieved following the sixth treatment session.

The robust antidepressant effect of ketamine also occurs in patients who have not found relief with existing drugs or with ECT. In the latest study to be reported, 24 patients with treatment-resistant depression underwent up to 6 sessions of intravenous ketamine (0.5mg/Kg in 40 mins) over ~2 weeks. Over 70% of patients responded to ketamine, and the overall reduction in depression was large and rapid (Murrough et al 2013) (Figure 1).

Outstanding Issues.

To date a major issue has been the lack of persistence of the antidepressant effect. In previous studies, involving a single ketamine treatment, depression returned within one week of the session or less. In the study by Murrough et al, this was extended to an average of 18 days. This is an improvement, but further work will be needed to solve the problem of the relatively short-lived antidepressant effect of ketamine.

An understanding of the mechanism by which ketamine alleviates depression may be necessary if we are to extend the duration of it's beneficial effects. Pre-clinical work suggests that ketamine boosts the health and integrity of synapses and neuronal networks. Much of the action is believed to take place within dendritic spines, and involves local protein synthesis (Duman et al 2012) (Figure2).

ketamine mechanism

Figure 2: The antidepressant effects of ketamine may depend upon activation of mTOR and local protein synthesis in dendritic spines.

Two molecules of relevance are mTOR and GSK-3. Ketamine enhances local protein synthesis by activating mTOR and by inhibiting GSK-3. [GSK-3 inhibits mTOR]. A drug, such as lithium, which inhibits GSK-3 might enhance the antidepressant effect of ketamine. This has now been demonstrated in pre-clinical studies (Liu et al 2013). The clinical question, which will now be addressed in trials is whether lithium treatment extends and enhances the antidepressant effects of ketamine. Lithium has been used for treatment-resistant depression for many years, and has a good evidence base (Bauer et al 2010) so that the combination of ketamine and lithium presents as an interesting and relatively straightforward strategy for stubborn depression.

However it is somewhat odd that the proposed mechanism for ketamine involves new protein synthesis and synaptogenesis (which take time, and are sustained) whereas the clinical effects of ketamine are very rapid (and transient). Other mechanisms may have more explanatory power. For instance a recent fMRI study showed that ketamine decreased the connectivity of limbic and prefrontal regions which are known to be overactive in depression (Scheidegger et al 2012). More provocatively, it appears that the antidepressant effect of ketamine depends upon the extent of the acute psychological reaction produced by the drug. Although the dissociative/psychedelic properties of ketamine are sometimes regarded as unwanted “side-effects”, a recent paper showed that the acute psychedelic and subsequent antidepressant effects are related (Sos et al 2013).

Psychosis Research. Where have we been & where are we going?

phenotype and genotype

The Institute of Psychiatry at The Maudsley is the largest centre for psychiatric research in Europe. Recently a group of leading researchers were tasked with summarising an area of research as it pertains to psychosis and psychopharmacology.

The outcome was a series of short lectures, delivered to a lively audience of psychiatrists, mental health workers and psychologists at The Maudsley. The lecture slides and audio are now available below and constitute a unique training resource for those who treat patients.

1. Sir Robin Murray,
Psychosis research: Deconstructing the dogma
2. David Taylor,
Current Psychopharmacology: Facts & Fiction
3. Oliver Howes,
How can we Treat psychosis better?
4. Marta DiForti,
An idiot's guide to psychiatric genetics
5. Sameer Jauhar,
Ten psychosis papers to read before you die!
6. Paul Morrison,
Future antipsychotics


Guidelines for the Management of Bipolar Disorder.


The first German-language guidelines for the management of bipolar disorder were published in 2012, and now, an abbreviated English translation is available online for free [link].

The German Society for Bipolar Disorder (DGBS) and the German Association for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy (DGPPN) set up a project group, a steering group and 6 working groups made up of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, patients and their families. Devoid of any industry funding, their intention was to providedecision-making support for patients, their families, and therapists“. Following an extensive literature review, and ten consensus conferences they concluded:

“Bipolar disorder should be diagnosed as early as possible. The most extensive evidence is available for pharmacological monotherapy; there is little evidence for combination therapy, which is nonetheless commonly given. The appropriate treatment may include long-term maintenance treatment, if indicated. The treatment of mania should begin with one of the recommended mood stabilizers or antipsychotic drugs; the number needed to treat (NNT) is 3 to 13 for three weeks of treatment with lithium or atypical antipsychotic drugs. The treatment of bipolar depression should begin with quetiapine (NNT = 5 to 7 for eight weeks of treatment), unless the patient is already under mood-stabilizing treatment that can be optimized. Further options in the treatment of bipolar depression are the recommended mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotic drugs, and antidepressants. For maintenance treatment, lithium should be used preferentially (NNT = 14 for 12 months of treatment and 3 for 24 months of treatment), although other mood stabilizers or atypical antipsychotic drugs can be given as well. Psychotherapy (in addition to any pharmacological treatment) is recommended with the main goals of long-term stabilization, prevention of new episodes, and management of suicidality. In view of the current mental health care situation in Germany and the findings of studies from other countries, it is clear that there is a need for prompt access to need-based, complex and multimodal care structures. Patients and their families need to be adequately informed and should participate in psychiatric decision-making“.

The abridged guidelines (in English) are available here.


Baclofen & Topiramate for Alcohol Dependence?

wine bottles

A new paper appraises promising strategies for the treatment of drug addiction in general. The authors consider agents which target GABA transmission, ion-channels and the emerging technique of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). In their elegant review of the field, perhaps the most noteworthy findings involve the treatment of alcohol dependence with either baclofen or topiramate.


Baclofen is a GABA-b agonist, which has been used in neurology for years. Several open-label studies, and 2 out of 3 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have suggested that baclofen is effective in alcohol dependence by reducing cravings and promoting abstinence. Baclofen is safe (even in subjects with liver cirrhosis) and is generally well tolerated with sedation being the most notable side-effect. Higher doses of baclofen appear to be more effective, but this needs confirmation in further RCTs.


Topiramate enhances inhibitory and dampens excitatory currents in neurons, and has been used as an anticonvulsant for years. In 2 relatively large RCTs, topiramate was effective in alcohol dependence, by reducing cravings and the severity of dependence, and improving physical and psychosocial outcomes. Topiramate is generally well tolerated, although cognitive side effects can occur, and it should be avoided in pregnancy.

The full paper can be read here.

Natural antidepressants & new brain cells

New Brain Cells

In the last decade it has become clear that new cells can form in the adult brain. This happens in a region known as the hippocampal complex. The hippocampal complex is found deep inside either temple and is crucial for memory and emotion. The hippocampal complex inhibits the human stress response, but can itself be damaged by persistent stress, leading to a vicious cycle in which the stress response is amplified further and depression ensues.

hippocampus from nieuwenhuys et al

The hippocampal complex is found in the temporal lobe, and has a crucial role in regulating the stress response.

Experimental work suggests that neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) in the hippocampal complex is vital for the action of conventional antidepressant drugs. Exercise and enriched environments also promote neurogenesis, whilst stress has the opposite effect.The current picture is that hippocampal health (including the birth of new neurons) is essential for protecting the organism against the effects of stress, so that if hippocampal functioning is compromised, anxiety and depression can emerge.


Natural Antidepressants

There has been recent interest in the antidepressant properties of a natural molecule called curcumin. This substance is found in the herb turmeric. As well as a foodstuff, turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda). In pre-clinical studies, curcumin exhibited clear antidepressant effects.


Research has focused on the mechanism of action of curcumin. Remarkably it appears that curcumin can also increase the birth of new neurons in the hippocampal complex. This is an intriguing finding which hints at the possibility of a new class of antidepressant drug.

A new paper from researchers at King's College London provides an excellent summary of work in this area. The full paper can be read here.